"Cyber Security at Sandia National Laboratories"

Speaker: Abe Clements

Time: Wednesday, February 28th, 2024 at 5.00 pm.
Location (Hybrid):  Chez Veteran Center Room, 1020 or on zoom


Abstract: In this talk, he will present an overview of the importance of cyber security in national security and how Sandia applies cyber security at every layer of the computing stack from atoms to the cloud.  It will cover examples of the hard problems we are working to solve ranging from automated system understanding to understanding risk to critical systems posed by cyber threats. 

Biography: Abe Clements has a BS and MS in Electrical Engineering from Utah State University, and a PhD in Computer Engineering from Purdue University.  He has worked at Sandia National Laboratories since 2010 where he works on industrial control system and embedded systems cyber-security.

To learn more about him: Click here