The Program in Arms Control & Domestic and International Security (ACDIS) is an interdisciplinary venture at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that facilitates objective research, academics, and outreach about international security issues within the academic and policymaking communities.

ACDIS integrates insights generated by scholars from engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to produce comprehensive analyses that do not reduce security issues to singular and simplifying explanations. International security challenges are approached as complex phenomena that can only be understood through examination of multiple causes and impacts.

To learn more about ACDIS affiliated programs, publications, student groups, seminars, and more - click on the links below.

Are you interested in these topics?

ACDIS could be the perfect fit for you!
  • Biosecurity
  • Energy Security
  • Environment & Security
  • Ethics, Morality, & Culture of War
  • Ethnic Conflict
  • Evolution of Global Security Regime
  • Food & Water Security
  • Information & Data Security
  • Nuclear Security
  • Physical Security
  • Regional Security & Peacekeeping
  • Terrorism & Counterterrorism
  • Weapons Systems