Certain courses from the Undergraduate Certificate in Global Security have been retired from the University's course catalog and thus the Certificate course list. Any student to previously complete a retired course is still eligible to use it towards the certificate.
Legacy Course List:
CHLH/ENVS/PATH 474: Principles of Epidemiology
CS 460/ECE 419: Security Laboratory
AE/ECE 478: Optical Remote Sensing
CHLH 461/ENVS 431/IB 485: Environmental Toxicology and Health
PLPA 204: Introductory Plant Pathology
AAS/GWS 415: War, Cinema, and Memory
AFRO 378/HIST 389: Race and Revolutions
ESE/GLBL/GEOG 215: Resource Conflicts
GEOG 310: Political Geography
GEOG 410: Geography of Development and Underdevelopment