We have collected a list of internship opportunities that align with the ACDIS program, and we feel might be a nice fit for students with interest in arms control and/or global securities.

Organizations listed below take you to the organization website, give you a brief description, and link to the current internship opportunities directly.

Make sure to check out these featured Now Open opportunities:

Internship Opportunities - Websites & Links

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry is an a federal public health agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services. “ATSDR protects communities from harmful health effects related to exposure to natural and man-made hazardous substances. We do this by responding to environmental health emergencies; investigating emerging environmental health threats; conducting research on the health impacts of hazardous waste sites; and building capabilities of and providing actionable guidance to state and local health partners.”

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American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

The AEI is a public policy think tank “dedicated to defending human dignity, expanding human potential, and building a freer and safer world.” The main focus of the AEI is ensuring freedom of opportunity and the free market. Other areas of study besides economics include education, healthcare, poverty, foreign/defense studies, public opinion, politics, society and culture.

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Argonne National Laboratory

The Argonne National Laboratory is a multidisciplinary science and engineering research center. Their mission is to “pursue big, ambitious ideas that redefine what is possible. Our research pushes the boundaries of fundamental science, applied science, and engineering to solve complex challenges and develop useful technologies that can transform the marketplace and change the world.” Their areas of interest include: Energy, Environment, and National Security.

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Arms Control Association

The Arms Control Association is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to supporting effective arms control policies and the public’s understanding of effective arms control policies.

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​​​​​​​The Atlantic Council

The Atlantic Council is a think tank that focuses on “providing an essential forum for navigating the dramatic economic and political changes defining the twenty-first century by informing and galvanizing its uniquely influential network of global leaders.” The Atlantic Council works in security in many different areas including: Middle East, Latin America, South Asia, Africa, Europe/Eastern Europe, Cyber Statecraft and foresight, strategy and risks. They offer internships in all of these fields and more.

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​​​​​​​Brookings Institute

The Brookings Institute is a non-profit public policy organization whose mission is to “conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level.” Areas of interest include: Economic Studies, Foreign Policy, Global Economy and Development, Governance Studies, and Metropolitan Policy.

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Business Executives for National Security (BENS)

The Business Executives for National Security is an independent organization that believes in individuals taking action in a nonpartisan way. The BENS works with the government on issues such as cyber-security, business of defense, domestic security, energy, weapons/nonproliferation.

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​​​​​​​Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is a unique global network of policy research

centers in Russia, China, Europe, the Middle East, India, and the United States. Their mission is to advance the cause of peace through analysis and development of fresh policy ideas and direct engagement and collaboration with decisionmakers in government, business, and civil society. Areas of interest include: Asia, Cyber Policy Initiative, Democracy and Rule of Law, Energy and Climate Change, Europe, Nuclear Policy, Middle East, South Asia, Geoeconomics and Strategy, Russia and Eurasia.

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​​​​​​​The Carter Center

The Carter Center, in partnership with Emory University, is guided by a fundamental commitment to human rights and the alleviation of human suffering. It seeks to prevent and resolve conflicts, enhance freedom and democracy, and improve health. The Center emphasizes action and measurable results. Based on careful research and analysis, it is prepared to take timely action on important and pressing issues. The Center is nonpartisan, actively seeks complementary partnerships and works collaboratively with other organizations from the highest levels of government to local communities.”

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CATO Institute

The CATO Institute is a think tank founded on the ideas of free market and individual liberty. They are “dedicated to increasing and enhancing the understanding of key public policies and to realistically analyzing their impact — positive, adverse, and other.” This means their  research encompasses a  wide array of issues including: Energy and Environment, Foreign policy and National Security, Government and Politics, International Economics and Development, Tax and Budget Policy, Trade Policy, Telecom, Internet and Information Policy.

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Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation

The Center for Arms Control and Non-proliferation is a research organization dedicated to enhancing international peace and security in the 21st century. The Center works to reduce nuclear weapons, increase nonproliferation efforts, optimize national security spending, and halt the spread of biological and chemical weapons.

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Center for International Policy

The Center for International Policy is a research and advocacy organization that “promotes cooperation, transparency and accountability in global relations.” Their main areas of focus are war, inequality, corruption and climate change. They are dedicated to promoting a U.S. foreign policy based on international cooperation, demilitarization and respect for basic human rights.

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Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

The CSIS is a bipartisan, nonprofit public policy research organization. Their goal is to research strategy and public policy solutions to help lawmakers make informed decisions. Areas of interest include: Cybersecurity and Technology, Economics, Global Health, Defense and Security, Human Rights, International Development, Energy and Sustainability.

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Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

CIA is a governmental agency engages in research, development, and deployment of high-leverage technology for intelligence purposes. CIA serves as an independent source of analysis on topics of concern and also works closely with the other organizations in the Intelligence Community to ensure that the intelligence consumer, whether Washington policymaker or battlefield commander, receives the best intelligence possible.

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Center for the National Interest

The Center for the National Interest is a non-partisan non-profit organization founded by ex-president Richard Nixon. The goal of the Center is to spread awareness of foreign policy issues to the public. Key issues of interest include: US Relations with China, Russia, Japan and Europe, the Middle East, National Security, Regional Security, Energy and Climate.

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Civilian Research Defense Foundation (CRDF)

“Founded in 1995, CRDF Global is an independent nonprofit organization that promotes international scientific and technical collaboration through grants, technical resources, training, and services. Based in Arlington, Virginia with offices in the Eurasia and MENA regions, CRDF Global works with more than 40 countries in the Middle East, North Africa, Eurasia, and Asia. We specialize in bringing isolated scientific communities into the scientific mainstream through a variety of science engagement and capacity-building programs. CRDF Global encourages science cooperation between countries where official relations are strained.” Areas of interest include: Global Health, Nuclear Biological and Chemical Security, and Water, Food, and Energy Connection.

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Council of Economic Advisors (CEA)

The Council of Economic Advisors, an agency within the Executive Office of the President, is charged with offering the President objective economic advice on the formulation of both domestic and international economic policy. The Council bases its recommendations and analysis on economic research and empirical evidence, using the best data available to support the President in setting our nation’s economic policy.

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Chicago Council on Global Affairs

The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is an independent, non-partisan organization founded on engaging the public on ideas about critical global issues. Their mission is to “Bringing together leaders in business, government, education, and the arts in international forums and task forces that drive critical dialogue and offer policy-relevant analysis and solutions on a range of global issues.” Areas of interest include: The rise and influence of global cities, Russia, global food security and water, energy, global economy, and women in leadership.

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Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

The Council on Foreign Relations is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, publisher dedicated to being a resource for its members, government officials, business executives, journalists, educators and students, civic and religious leaders, and other interested citizens in order to help them better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries. The CFR also publishes Foreign Affairs, the preeminent journal of international affairs and U.S. foreign policy. Areas of interest include: Defense & Security, Economics, Human Rights, Energy & Environment, Social Issues, Politics & Government, Health, Diplomacy and International Relations.

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Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

The Defense Intelligence Agency is a Department of Defense (DOD) combat support agency.  We produce, analyze, and disseminate military intelligence information to combat and noncombat military missions. We serve as the Nation’s primary manager and producer of foreign military intelligence and are a central intelligence producer and manager for the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), and the Unified Combatant Command.”

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Department of Defense

The Department of Defense is a governmental agency that focuses on all defense areas of national security.

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Department of Energy

“The mission of the Energy Department is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.”

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Department of Homeland Security

The Department of Homeland Security is a governmental agency that was primarily established to provide a unifying core for the vast national network of organizations and institutions involved in efforts to secure the nation. The goals of the Department of Homeland Security are to continue to protect the nation from dangerous people and goods; to protect critical cyber infrastructure; to build an effective emergency response system and a culture of preparedness; and to strengthen and unify DHS operations and management.

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The Eisenhower Institute

The Eisenhower Institute is a non-partisan, non-profit, presidential legacy organization, honoring the legacy of Dwight D. Eisenhower by preparing the successor generations to perfect the promise of the nation through engagement in programs of leadership and public policy.

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Green Cross

Global Green is the American Arm of Green Cross International (GCI) to foster a global value shift toward a sustainable and secure future by reconnecting humanity with the environment. Global Green is working to address some of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Internationally, Global Green and its affiliates are working toward eliminating weapons of mass destruction that threaten lives and the environment, and providing clean, safe drinking water for the 2.4 billion people who lack access to clean water.

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Global Policy Forum

Global Policy Forum is an independent policy watchdog that monitors the work of the United Nations and scrutinizes global policymaking. We promote accountability and citizen participation in decisions on peace and security, social justice and international law. GPF gathers information and circulates it through a comprehensive website, as well as through reports and newsletters. We play an active role in NGO networks and other advocacy arenas. We organize meetings and conferences and we publish original research and policy papers. GPF analyzes deep and persistent structures of power and dissects rapidly-emerging issues and crises. GPF’s work challenges mainstream thinking and questions conventional wisdom. We seek egalitarian, cooperative, peaceful and sustainable solutions to the world’s great problems.”

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The Harry L. Stimson Center

The Stimson Center is a nonpartisan policy research center working to solve the world’s greatest threats to security and prosperity. Think of a modern global challenge: refugee flows, arms trafficking, terrorism. These threats cannot be resolved by a single government, individual, or business. Stimson’s award-winning research serves as a roadmap to address borderless threats through collective action. Our formula is simple: we gather the brightest people to think beyond soundbites, create solutions, and make those solutions a reality.”

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Hudson Institute

Hudson Institute challenges conventional thinking and helps manage strategic transitions to the future through interdisciplinary studies in defense, international relations, economics, health care, technology, culture, and law. Hudson seeks to guide public policy makers and global leaders in government and business through a vigorous program of publications, conferences, policy briefings, and recommendations.” The Hudson Institute is one of the oldest think tanks in the world.

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Institute for National Strategic Studies

Established by the Department of Defense, the INSS aims to produce objective, timely, and rigorously grounded research on emerging strategic and regional security trends that pose longer-term challenges for U.S. national security and raise complex trade-offs for policy-makers and the American public. Accordingly, the Institute attempts to ensure that it addresses the issues identified by senior leaders as of immediate importance to them as well as challenges for which U.S. leaders must be prepared in the future.

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Institute for Policy Studies

The Institute for Policy Studies is a community of scholars and organizers that prioritize peace, justice and the environment on a national and global scale. It is the oldest think tank in the U.S. that promotes progressive thought. Areas of interest include: Economic and Racial Justice, Leadership Programs, Community Engagement, Climate Justice, Peace and Foreign Policy.

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Institute for Science and International Security

ISIS is a non-profit, non-partisan institution dedicated to informing the public about science and policy issues affecting international security. Its efforts focus on stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and related technology to additional nations and to terrorists, bringing about greater transparency of nuclear activities worldwide, and achieving deep reductions in nuclear arsenals. ISIS’s projects integrate technical, scientific, and policy research in order to build a sound foundation for a wide variety of efforts to reduce the threat posed by nuclear weapons to U.S. and international security. Area’s of interest include: Satellite Imaging, Illicit Nuclear Trade, Nuclear Explosive Stocks, and Weapons Programs.

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International Atomic Energy Agency

The IAEA was established as the world’s “Atoms for Peace” within the United Nations. The Agency works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technologies. Three main project areas underpin the IAEA’s mission: Safety and Security, Science and Technology, and Safeguards and Verification.

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International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

“The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) is an international scientific institute that conducts research into the critical issues of global environmental, economic, technological, and social change that we face in the twenty-first century. Our findings provide valuable options to policymakers to shape the future of our changing world. IIASA is independent and funded by prestigious research funding agencies in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.” Areas of interest include: Advanced Systems Analysis, Energy, Ecosystems Services and Management, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases, Water, Evolution and Ecology, World Populations, Transitions to New Techniques, Risk and Resilience.

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International Peace Bureau

“The IPB was founded in 1891-92, as a result of consultations at the Universal Peace Congresses, large gatherings held annually to bring together the national peace societies that had gradually developed, mainly in Europe and North America, from the end of the Napoleonic Wars onwards. Since the 1960s the IPB’s primary concerns have largely reflected those of the movement as a whole in Western countries. These include the struggle against the Vietnam war, the right to conscientious objection, the UN Special Sessions on Disarmament, the Freeze and Euromissile campaigns and the European Nuclear Disarmament movement, foreign military bases, the illegality (and abolition) of nuclear weapons (World Court Project, Abolition 2000 etc.), the Gulf War, the arms trade, militarism and the environment, the Non-Proliferation Treaty, women and peace, and the prevention and resolution of conflicts.”

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James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies

CNS strives to combat the spread of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) by training the next generation of nonproliferation specialists and disseminating timely information and analysis. It is the largest nongovernmental organization in the United States devoted exclusively to research and training on nonproliferation issues.”

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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory is a national security research institution, delivering scientific and engineering solutions for the nation’s most crucial and complex problems. LANL’s primary mission is “to solve national security challenges through scientific excellence.” Fields of interest include: Protecting Against Nuclear Threats, Goals/Strategies, Emerging Threats and Opportunities, Energy Security Solutions, Nuclear Deterrence and Stockpile Stewardship.

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New America Foundation

New America is a think tank and civic enterprise committed to renewing American politics, prosperity, and purpose in the Digital Age. We generate big ideas, bridge the gap between technology and policy, and curate broad public conversation. Structurally, we combine the best of a policy research institute, technology laboratory, public forum, media platform, and a venture capital fund for ideas. We are a distinctive community of thinkers, writers, researchers, technologists, and community activists who believe deeply in the possibility of American renewal.” Areas of interest include: Cybersecurity, Education Policy, Family-Centered Social Policy, International Security, Millennials Initiative and Open Technology Institute.

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Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

PNNL is one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s ten national laboratories. PNNL works to provide facilities, scientific equipment, and world-renowned scientists/engineers to strengthen U.S. scientific foundations for fundamental research and innovation; prevent and counter acts of terrorism through applied research in information analysis, cyber security, and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction; increase U.S. energy capacity and reduces dependence on imported oil through research of hydrogen and biomass-based fuels; and reduce the effects of energy generation and use on the environment.

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Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization

The Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty bans nuclear explosions everywhere by everyone. Although it is not recognized by international law, the CTBTO not only helped create the guidelines for the treaty but also aims to get the treaty officially ratified.

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Rocky Mountain Institute

The main work of the Rocky Mountain Institute is “helping the people of emerging economies to leapfrog straight to the clean energy revolution; changing the way we move people and goods to save money and the environment; creating a clean, resilient, and affordable electricity system that produces less pollution and climate-altering CO2; and driving massive market growth for healthy and efficient homes, offices, schools, and gathering places.” Areas of interest include: Global Energy Transmissions, Transportation, Electricity, Buildings, Sustainable Finance, and Zero Methane Emissions

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Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia is a federally funded laboratory that does research in nuclear weapon programs, climate, energy, cybersecurity, and counterterrorism. Their main focuses are: “anticipating and resolving emerging national security challenges, innovating and discovering new technologies to strengthen the nation’s technological superiority, creating value through products and services that solve important national security challenges, and informing the national debate where technology policy is critical to preserving security and freedom throughout our world.”

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Stanford University - Center for International Security and Cooperation

The Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) is Stanford University’s hub for researchers tackling some of the world's most pressing security and international cooperation issues.

Founded 40 years ago, CISAC today is building on its historic strengths to seek solutions to the many longstanding and emerging challenges associated with an increasingly complex world. We are guided by our longstanding belief that a commitment to rigorous scholarship, openness to new ideas, and lively intellectual exchange can spur the creation and spread of knowledge to help build a safer world.

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State Department Internships

The U.S. Department of State is focused on accomplishing America’s mission of diplomacy at home and around the world. The State Department uses diplomacy to promote and protect American interests. To achieve this mission, the State Department manages diplomatic relations with other countries and international institutions; promotes peace and stability in regions of vital interest; supports U.S. businesses at home and abroad; and helps developing nations establish stable economic environments.

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USAID is “the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential.” The USAID’s main goal is to promote economic prosperity, strengthen democracy, protect human rights, promote global health, advance food security, improve environmental sustainability, and provide humanitarian assistance.

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United States Institute of Peace (USIP)

The United States Institute of Peace is an independent national institute, founded by Congress and dedicated to the proposition that a world without violent conflict is possible, practical, and essential for U.S. and global security. USIP pursues this vision on the ground in conflict zones, working with local partners to prevent conflicts from turning to bloodshed and to end it when they do. The Institute provides training, analysis, and other resources to people, organizations, and governments working to build peace.” The USIP is not a governmental organization. Areas of interest include: Civilian-Military Relations, Conflict Analysis and Prevention, Democracy and Governance, Economics and Environment, etc.

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​​​​​​​Washington Institute for Near East Policy

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy was established to advance a balanced and realistic understanding of American interests in the Middle East. The Institute seeks to bring scholars to help the making of U.S. policy in this vital region of the world. Drawing on the research of its scholars and the experience of policy practitioners, the Institute promotes an American engagement in the Middle East committed to strengthening alliances, nurturing friendships, and promoting security, peace, prosperity, and democracy for the people of the region.

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​​​​​​​Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control

The Wisconsin Project is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization in Washington, D.C. founded in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. The organization’s work is guided by the idea that the best way to stop the proliferation of mass destruction weapons is to do so at the source: to cut off the supply of material, equipment and technology needed to make these weapons. To that end, the Project uncovers and publicizes dangerous export transactions and works directly with countries to improve their export control systems.”

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​​​​​​​Women in International Security

Women In International Security (WIIS) is the premier organization in the world dedicated to advancing the leadership and professional development of women in the field of international peace and security. WIIS (pronounced “wise”) sponsors leadership training, mentoring, and networking programs as well as substantive events focused on current policy problems. WIIS also supports research projects and policy engagement initiatives on critical international security issues, including the nexus between gender and security.”

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Woodrow Wilson International Center

The Woodrow Wilson Center is a nonpartisan institution, supported by public and private funds, engaged in the study of national and world affairs. The Center is the living, national memorial to President Wilson that establishes and maintains a lively, neutral forum for free and informed dialogue. The Center aims to commemorate the ideals and concerns of Woodrow Wilson by providing a link between the world of ideas and the world of policy; and fostering research, study, discussion, and collaboration among a full spectrum of individuals concerned with policy and scholarship in national and world affairs. Areas of Interest include: Digital Future Program, Global Sustainability and Resilience, China, Maternal Health, Global Women’s Leadership, Urban Sustainability, Environmental Change and Security.

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